'Your description for this secret 1', 'PLEASE CHANGE YOUR SECRET' => 'Your description for this secret' ); # creation of a paste and which secret was used into logs/create.log file const LOG_CREATION = true; # this is the default storage location. If you decide to move, then make sure # to move the included .htaccess with it to protect the direct access const SELFPASTE_UPLOAD_DIR = 'pasties'; # those are the allowed file types. # Make sure you read the README and documentation! const SELFPASTE_ALLOWED_FILETYPES = 'text/plain,text/comma-separated-values,text/css,text/xml,text/x-php,text/x-perl,text/x-shellscript,text/html,text/javascript,text/c-x,text/x-makefile'; # this is your domain and path on which selfpaste is accessible # needed to respond with the correct link for your paste # please NO / at the end const SELFPASTE_URL = 'http://your.tld/path/selfpaste/webroot'; # time in days how long a paste will be available. Default 30 days const SELFPASTE_PASTE_LIFETIME = 30; # time in seconds how long the flood protection should take action. Default 30sec const SELFPASTE_FLOOD_LIFETIME = 30;