installation.txt 702 B

  1. 1. Check the requirements
  2. 2. Unpack
  3. Unpack the release to a temporary folder
  4. 3. Create DB table
  5. Open scientia.sql.txt file and run the SQL command.
  6. This command creates the needed table. A Database will not be created.
  7. 4. MySQL
  8. After creating the default table note your hostname, username, password and table name.
  9. 5. Config
  10. Copy config.php.default to config.php and open it.
  11. Input your MySQL stuff from step 3 and update the other settings there.
  12. 6. Upload
  13. Upload the contents of the webroot from your temp folder into your webserver.
  14. Make sure the path matches the setting from the config.
  15. 7. Directory permissions
  16. Make sure the systemout directory has write permission to the webserver user.