# scienta go cli client This is a terminal cli client written in go to be used with scientia. [Project website](https://www.bananas-playground.net/projekt/scientia/) ## Notice This is a very simple, with limited experience written, go program. Use at own risk and feel free to improve. Currently only tested on linux. # Howto build Nothing special, just use the provided Makefile or directly `go build -o scientia` to use your current os/arch settings. Or use the Makefile with just `make` to build the binary. # Usage At first usage you need to create the config and the individual secret. Run `$ scientia config init` to create the default config file. The path to the config file is printed. Use `scientia config edit` to edit at least the host setting. Update your server it with the secret, which is randomly created. ## Create Read from a file `$ scientia add file.txt` or piped `$ cat file.txt | scientia-cli add` # Commandline arguments ``` Usage: scientia [flags] scientia [command] Available Commands: add Add a new entry and return the URL config Modify config help Help about any command Flags: --debug Add debug output -h, --help help for scientia --verbose Add verbose output Use "scientia [command] --help" for more information about a command. ```