{ "Tree":{ "SimpleTree":{ "title": "Simple Tree" }, "Select":{ "title": "Tree select event demo" }, "Toggle":{ "title": "Tree toggle event demo" }, "TreeOtherStyle":{ "title": "Tree other style" }, "changeType":{ "title": "Add/remove node type demo" }, "IconUrl":{ "title": "set icon using url instead class" }, "FileTree":{ "title": "File tree" }, "DOMTree":{ "title": "DOM Tree" }, "HTMLTree":{ "title": "HTML Tree" }, "ExpandTo":{ "title": "Using expandTo property demo" }, "Hide":{ "title": "Hidden property" } }, "More":{ "KeyNav":{ "title": "Key navigation implementation demo" }, "CheckboxSimple":{ "title": "Tree simple checkboxes" }, "CheckboxDeps":{ "title": "Tree dependences checkboxes" }, "DragAndDrop":{ "title": "Tree drag'n'drop" }, "DnD":{ "title": "D'n'd with drop container" }, "DropConfirm":{ "title": "D'n'd with drop confirmation" }, "Rename":{ "title": "Rename node" }, "SortableTree":{ "title": "sortable tree" }, "AddNode":{ "title": "Add node" }, "AddNode2":{ "title": "Another add node demo" }, "reloadChildren":{ "title": "reload children and update clicked node name" }, "CookieStorage":{ "title": "cookie storage" }, "ProtectedNode":{ "title": "protected from change node" } } }