Whole page screenshot of a website # Requirements wkhtmlimage from https://wkhtmltopdf.org (tested with wkhtmltoimage 0.12.5) # Setup Change WKHTMLTOPDF_USE to true and alter the path WKHTMLTOPDF_COMMAND to your wkhtmltoimage install # Why wkhtmltoimage and not something newer or better? puppeteer is kinda overkill and the whole npm is, well, moren then that... https://developers.google.com/web/tools/puppeteer chromdriver and chrome was also some overkill and there was no simple php implementation. It will be created if the option is actived. To remove uncheck the option. To refresh uncheck the option. Save. This will delete the data. Check the option again and the page screnshot will be created again. Any error in this process will be visible in the error log file and not visible in the client. This way the link will be saved and no data will be lost.