1. Requirements Check the requirements.txt first. An access and database on a mysql database server. Write them down. If you share a database either use the default table prefix (inisipid) or use your own. Absolute path on your webserver web-accessible folder where insipid will be installed to 2. Read Read this document before changing anything! 3. Unpack Unpack the archive to a temporary directory of your choice. Final files and folder will be moved to the webroot of your webserver later on. You can also verify the package with the available m5/sha sum information 4. Config Create your config file. Copy webroot/config.default.php to webroot/config.php Modify at least the following settings in this file: - define('DB_HOST',''); <= The database server hostname you are using - define('DB_USERNAME','user'); <= The database username you are using - define('DB_PASSWORD','test'); <= The database password you are using - define('DB_NAME','insipid'); <= Database name on your database server - define('FRONTEND_USERNAME','luke'); <= The frontend username. Please change the default - define('FRONTEND_PASSWORD','father'); <= The frontend password. Please change the default - define('ABSOLUTE_PATH', '/path/to/insipid/on/your/webserver'); <= Absolute path where insipid is located in your webserver 5. Prepare SQL file Copy and modify documentation/insipid-edit-me.sql and replace the placeholder. Open the file and make a search and replace: search for: `#REPLACE_ME# replace with: `YOUR_TABLE_PREFIX The value YOUR_TABLE_PREFIX has to match with the value for DB_PREFIX in your config.php file. Default is insipid. Alter the value here and in the config file if you choose a different one 6. Database Create a database if needed. Should match DB_NAME in your config. Remember step 1. Import the edited from step 5 sql file into your MySQL database. 7. Edit the robots.txt file to your needs. Usually not needed 8. Copy the content of the unpacked webroot folder onto your webserver folder. Make the localdata folder writable to the web process to store images from link parsing. LOCAL_STORAGE is the option in the config file. Make sure ABSOLUTE_PATH matches the location of insipid in your webserver! 9. If you want to fully restrict your contents activate the user/password restriction in the config. 10. If you want to use the e-mail importer read the email-importer.txt file.