1.3 KB


Unpack the archive in a temp folder. Follow the following steps. After that you can delete the unpacked files

DB Setup

Create a DB and choose a prefix (A _ is added automatically as separation) for your tables. Write down those values. You need them later.

Move files

Move the content of webclient folder to your webspace.

File rights

Make sure that systemout folder is read/write accessible for your webserver user. Recursive. Make sure that storage folder is read/write accessible for your webserver user. Recursive. Make sure that config folder is read/write accessible for your webserver user. Make sure that setup folder is read/write accessible for your webserver user. Recursive.


Open your browser and visit your newly created bibliotheca installation setup with /setup Follow the instructions and remember your settings from step DB setup. After completion the setup will delete itself. Remove the /setup from the url and you are done.


Open your browser and visit your newly created bibliotheca installation. Default user admin and password: test

First steps

Login with default admin account and change the password! Create your own user. Create your first collection. See more in

To re-run the setup

Upload the setup folder again. It deletes itself after a successful setup.