i18n.md 1.4 KB


The internationalization is based on files (i18n/...ini) which store a key - value set. The key is used in the code and returns the value.

The used language is set in config.php. The config and the names of each internationalization file is based on ISO 639-3.

Since sometimes the two char variant is used and it is not always just the first two ones from the ISO 639-3 variant, the format of the constant in the config.php is an array. iso3 => value, iso2 => value

Additional to the usual ini format, there is the possibility to use an existing key as a value.

Available languages

  • English iso3 = eng iso2 = en
  • German iso3 = deu iso2 = de

How to create a new language file

Lookup the correct ISO 639-3 code and create a file with this code and the extenions .ini. Save it in the i18n/ folder. As a base for the key - value sets, use the eng.ini file. Add the licencse header and add yourself and the contributors as the creator. Create a PR at Github and have it added to the official package.


If the configured lang file is not found the eng.ini file will be used. Is the key not found in file, the requested key will be returned.


Setup and some error messages will be in english.