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First steps

Change your password

After your installation and successfull login with the default user change your password. This is done in the manage -> profile screen.

Create your own user

There is no need to use the admin account for your daily doings. To create a new user go to the manage -> user screen and fill the form. More information about users and rights can be found in

Create your first collection

Choose manage -> collections to add your new collection. First make sure to fill the required fields and save it. Adding fields and choosing default fields will only work after the creation of collection.

Add fields to your collection

Choose manage -> collections and select the newly created collection from the right. Click on the list icon (right from the pen icon) Choose from the right which fields should be available in your collection by tragging them to the left. Make sure that at least title, coverimage and description is available. Those are the basic fields which are used to display entries. On the left you can change the order of the fields. This order will used in the detail- and editview. See fields.txt to read more about the fields and their features. After saving you are good to go.

Add an entry to your collection

Choose manage -> add. You will be presented a collection selection. Choose your newly created collection. The following screen should match your selected fields and their order. Input the required information and save.

Now you have a working collection and also an entry in it. That's it.

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