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Bibliotheca provides a set of fields which can be used to define which data an entry in your collection can be saved. Those field definitions are stored in the DB itself and can currently only managed there. But only of you know how.

Each collection can have there own set of fields. But at least the title field should be available. Fields can be managed after a collection has been created.

Build your oown

If you want to create new ones here is an explanation how they work A field is defined in the sys_fields table. It needs a _saveField and optinal _loadFieldValue method in manageentry.class and the _loadFieldValue also in mancubus.class HTML definitions are needed in view/UI_THEME/entry and view/UI_THEME/manageentry Modification on advancedsearch.php if search needs some special treatment for this field.

Fields in sys_fields table

Have a look into the table. Special ones are described here.

identifier Unique string within the how sys_fields table.

displayname Text which will be displayed for this field.

type Specifies the type which then lets the code "know" what to do with this field. Needs a html definition in view/UI_THEME/entry and view/UI_THEME/manageentry. A _loadFieldValue_TYPE method in manageentry.class and mancubus.class if it needs special data process reading A _saveField_TYPE method in manageentry.class for data saving. Modification in advancedsearch.php if search needs some special treatment for this field

searchtype Every field with entry* is a simple search field and can be used in global search.

  • tag = releation to lookup2entry table
  • entryText = text col in entry table
  • entrySingleText = entry col in entry table. Single value
  • entrySingleNum = entry col in entry table. Number. Single value. Can be searched by with ><

createstring The SQL create string which is run as you add it to your collection. Not everyone needs one!

inputValidation Defines the additional input validation. Currently only allowSpace is available. Used for lookupmultiple field to allow tags with whitespace in its values.

value The value which is displayed as a selection for the user. Needed for a selection type field

apiinfo Text description what type of data the api expects if you want to fill this field.


Here is an example to migrate a single text field into a lookupmultiple

INSERT INTO bib_collection_entry2lookup_3 (`fk_field`,`fk_entry`,`value`) SELECT '32',`id`,`artist` FROM `bib_collection_entry_3` WHERE `artist` <> '';

The 32 is the ID from the target field.