int, * 'offset' => int, * 'orderby' => string, * 'sortDirection' => ASC|DESC * * @var array */ private array $_queryOptions; /** * Store the all the values for an entry from lookup table * * @var array */ private array $_cacheLookupValuesForEntry = array(); /** * Store entryFields for run time * * @var array */ private array $_cacheEntryFields = array(); /** * Mancubus constructor. * * @param mysqli $databaseConnectionObject * @param Doomguy $userObj */ public function __construct(mysqli $databaseConnectionObject, Doomguy $userObj) { $this->_DB = $databaseConnectionObject; $this->_User = $userObj; $this->_setDefaults(); } /** * Set the to work with collection id * * @param string $collectionId Number */ public function setCollection(string $collectionId): void { if(!empty($collectionId)) { $this->_collectionId = $collectionId; } } /** * Set the following options which can be used in DB queries * array( * 'limit' => RESULTS_PER_PAGE, * 'offset' => (RESULTS_PER_PAGE * ($_curPage-1)), * 'orderby' => $_sort, * 'sortDirection' => $_sortDirection * ); * * @param array $options */ public function setQueryOptions(array $options): void { if(!isset($options['limit'])) $options['limit'] = 5; if(!isset($options['offset'])) $options['offset'] = false; if(!isset($options['sort'])) $options['sort'] = false; if(!isset($options['sortDirection'])) $options['sortDirection'] = false; $this->_queryOptions = $options; } /** * Get all available collections for display based on current user * * @param string $selections Number of selections * @param string $entries Number of entries * @param string $search Search string to search for * @return array */ public function getLatest(string $selections, string $entries, string $search = ''): array { $ret = array(); $queryStr = "SELECT `c`.`id`, `c`.`name`, `c`.`description`, `c`.`created`, `c`.`owner`, `c`.`group`, `c`.`rights`, `u`.`name` AS username, `g`.`name` AS groupname FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_collection` AS c LEFT JOIN `".DB_PREFIX."_user` AS u ON `c`.`owner` = `u`.`id` LEFT JOIN `".DB_PREFIX."_group` AS g ON `c`.`group` = `g`.`id` WHERE ".$this->_User->getSQLRightsString("read", "c")." ORDER BY `c`.`name` LIMIT $selections"; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStr)); try { $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStr); if($query !== false && $query->num_rows > 0) { while(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) != false) { $_mObj = new Mancubus($this->_DB,$this->_User); $_mObj->setCollection($result['id']); if(!empty($search)) { require_once 'lib/trite.class.php'; $_colObj = new Trite($this->_DB,$this->_User); $_colObj->load($result['id']); $_fd = $_colObj->getCollectionFields(); $_defSearchField = $_colObj->param('defaultSearchField'); $_mObj->setQueryOptions(array( 'limit' => $entries, 'sortDirection' => $_colObj->param('defaultSortOrder'), 'sort' => $_colObj->param('defaultSortField') )); $_defSearchField = $_colObj->param('defaultSearchField'); if(!empty($_defSearchField)) { $result['entries'] = $_mObj->getEntries( array( 0 => array( 'colName' => $_defSearchField, 'colValue' => $search, 'fieldData' => $_fd[$_defSearchField] ) ) ); } else { Summoner::sysLog("[WARN] ".__METHOD__." missing default search field for collectionid: ".$result['id']); } } else { $result['entries'] = $_mObj->getEntries(); } $ret[$result['id']] = $result; unset($_mObj); } } } catch (Exception $e) { Summoner::sysLog("[ERROR] ".__METHOD__." mysql catch: ".$e->getMessage()); } return $ret; } /** * Get entries for loaded collection limited by search * and already set query options * * array[0] => array( * 'colName' => 'column name to search in', * 'colValue' => 'Value to search for', * 'fieldData' => field data from Trite->getCollectionFields() * 'exactTagMatch' => true to make a binary compare. false for match against search * ) * * return array( * 'results' => array(), * 'amount' => int, * 'ids' => array() * ) * * @param array $searchData * @return array */ public function getEntries(array $searchData = array()): array { $ret = array(); if(!empty($this->_collectionId)) { // split since part of it is used later $querySelect = "SELECT *"; $queryFrom = " FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_collection_entry_".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($this->_collectionId)."` AS t"; $queryJoin = ''; $queryWhere = " WHERE ".$this->_User->getSQLRightsString("read", "t").""; $_isFulltext = false; if(!empty($searchData)) { // this search supports fulltext search and number <> search. // also can search in the entry2lookup table. // not perfect but it works foreach($searchData as $k=>$sd) { if(!isset($sd['colName']) || !isset($sd['colValue']) || empty($sd['colValue'])) continue; if($sd['fieldData']['searchtype'] == "tag") { $_isFulltext = true; $queryJoin = " LEFT JOIN `".DB_PREFIX."_collection_entry2lookup_".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($this->_collectionId)."` AS e2l ON"; $queryWhere .= " AND e2l.fk_field = '".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['fieldData']['id'])."'"; if(isset($sd['exactTagMatch']) && $sd['exactTagMatch'] === true) { $queryWhere .= " AND e2l.value = BINARY '".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colValue'])."'"; $_isFulltext = false; } else { $queryWhere .= " AND MATCH (e2l.value) AGAINST ('".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colValue'])."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } } elseif ($sd['fieldData']['searchtype'] == "entrySingleNum" && strstr($sd['colValue'],'<')) { $_s = str_replace('<','',$sd['colValue']); $queryWhere .= " AND `t`.`".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colName'])."` < ".(int)$_s.""; } elseif ($sd['fieldData']['searchtype'] == "entrySingleNum" && strstr($sd['colValue'],'>')) { $_s = str_replace('>','',$sd['colValue']); $queryWhere .= " AND `t`.`".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colName'])."` > ".(int)$_s.""; } elseif($sd['fieldData']['searchtype'] == "entryText") { $_isFulltext = true; $queryWhere .= " AND MATCH (`t`.`".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colName'])."`) AGAINST ('".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colValue'])."' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } else { $queryWhere .= " AND `t`.`".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colName'])."` = '".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($sd['colValue'])."'"; } } } $queryOrder = ''; if(!$_isFulltext) { // fulltext do not order. Which results in ordering be relevance of the match $queryOrder = " ORDER BY"; if (!empty($this->_queryOptions['sort'])) { $queryOrder .= ' t.'.$this->_queryOptions['sort']; } else { $queryOrder .= " t.created"; } if (!empty($this->_queryOptions['sortDirection'])) { $queryOrder .= ' '.$this->_queryOptions['sortDirection']; } else { $queryOrder .= " ASC"; } } $queryLimit = ''; if(!empty($this->_queryOptions['limit'])) { $queryLimit .= " LIMIT ".$this->_queryOptions['limit']; # offset can be 0 if($this->_queryOptions['offset'] !== false) { $queryLimit .= " OFFSET ".$this->_queryOptions['offset']; } } $queryStr = $querySelect.$queryFrom.$queryJoin.$queryWhere.$queryOrder.$queryLimit; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStr)); try { $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStr); if($query !== false && $query->num_rows > 0) { $_entryFields = $this->_getEntryFields(); while(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) != false) { $result = $this->_mergeEntryWithFields($result, $_entryFields); $ret['results'][$result['id']] = $result; $ret['ids'][] = $result['id']; } $queryStrCount = "SELECT COUNT( AS amount ".$queryFrom.$queryJoin.$queryWhere; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStrCount)); $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStrCount); $result = $query->fetch_assoc(); $ret['amount'] = $result['amount']; } } catch (Exception $e) { Summoner::sysLog("[ERROR] ".__METHOD__." mysql catch: ".$e->getMessage()); } } return $ret; } /** * Retrieve all the data needed to display the entry for given entryId * * @param string $entryId Number * @return array */ public function getEntry(string $entryId): array { $ret = array(); if(!empty($this->_collectionId) && !empty($entryId)) { $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_collection_entry_".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($this->_collectionId)."` WHERE ".$this->_User->getSQLRightsString()." AND `id` = '".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($entryId)."'"; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStr)); try { $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStr); if($query !== false && $query->num_rows > 0) { $_entryFields = $this->_getEntryFields(); if(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) != false) { $ret = $this->_mergeEntryWithFields($result, $_entryFields); } } } catch (Exception $e) { Summoner::sysLog("[ERROR] ".__METHOD__." mysql catch: ".$e->getMessage()); } } return $ret; } /** * Return the storage info for loaded collection * Used by API * * @return array */ public function getEntryStructure(): array { $ret = array(); $_entryFields = $this->_getEntryFields(); $ret = $this->_mergeEntryWithFields($ret, $_entryFields); return $ret; } /** * Load the fields from the loaded collection * * @return array */ private function _getEntryFields(): array { if(!empty($this->_cacheEntryFields)) { return $this->_cacheEntryFields; } if(!empty($this->_collectionId)) { $queryStr = "SELECT `cf`.`fk_field_id` AS id, `sf`.`type`, `sf`.`displayname`, `sf`.`identifier`, `sf`.`value` AS preValue, `sf`.`apiinfo` , `sf`.`searchtype` FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_collection_fields_".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($this->_collectionId)."` AS cf LEFT JOIN `".DB_PREFIX."_sys_fields` AS sf ON `cf`.`fk_field_id` = `sf`.`id` ORDER BY `cf`.`sort`"; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStr)); try { $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStr); if($query !== false && $query->num_rows > 0) { while(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) != false) { $this->_cacheEntryFields[$result['id']] = $result; } } } catch (Exception $e) { Summoner::sysLog("[ERROR] ".__METHOD__." mysql catch: ".$e->getMessage()); } } return $this->_cacheEntryFields; } /** * Merge the loaded information from collection_entry with the given * configured fields * * @param array $entryData Loaded entry * @param array $entryFields Loaded fields * @return mixed */ private function _mergeEntryWithFields(array $entryData, array $entryFields): array { if(!empty($entryFields)) { foreach($entryFields as $f) { $_mnValue = '_loadFieldValue_'.$f['type']; if(isset($entryData[$f['identifier']])) { $f['value'] = $entryData[$f['identifier']]; unset($entryData[$f['identifier']]); } elseif(method_exists($this, $_mnValue) && isset($entryData['id'])) { $f['value'] = $this->$_mnValue($entryData['id'], $f); } $_mnSelectionValue = '_loadFieldSelection_'.$f['type']; if(method_exists($this, $_mnSelectionValue) && isset($f['preValue'])) { $f['preValue'] = $this->$_mnSelectionValue($f['preValue']); } $entryData['fields'][$f['identifier']] = $f; } } return $entryData; } /** * Load the values for given $entryId for $fieldData * lookup function for field type lookupmultiple * * @param string $entryId Number * @param array $fieldData * @return array */ private function _loadFieldValue_lookupmultiple(string $entryId, array $fieldData): array { $ret = array(); if(!empty($entryId) && !empty($fieldData) && !empty($this->_collectionId)) { // avoid db query for each wanted value if(isset($this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId])) { if(isset($this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId][$entryId][$fieldData['id']])) { $ret = $this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId][$entryId][$fieldData['id']]; } } else { $queryStr = "SELECT `fk_field`, `value`, `fk_entry` FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_collection_entry2lookup_".$this->_DB->real_escape_string($this->_collectionId)."`"; if(QUERY_DEBUG) Summoner::sysLog("[QUERY] ".__METHOD__." query: ".Summoner::cleanForLog($queryStr)); try { $query = $this->_DB->query($queryStr); if($query !== false && $query->num_rows > 0) { while(($result = $query->fetch_assoc()) != false) { $this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId][$result['fk_entry']][$result['fk_field']][$result['value']] = $result['value']; } } } catch (Exception $e) { Summoner::sysLog("[ERROR] ".__METHOD__." mysql catch: ".$e->getMessage()); } if(isset($this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId][$entryId][$fieldData['id']])) { $ret = $this->_cacheLookupValuesForEntry[$this->_collectionId][$entryId][$fieldData['id']]; } } } return $ret; } /** * Get the single upload file from storage location * lookup function for field type upload * * @param string $entryId Number * @param array $fieldData * @return string */ private function _loadFieldValue_upload(string $entryId, array $fieldData): string { $ret = ""; if(!empty($entryId) && !empty($fieldData) && !empty($this->_collectionId)) { $uploadedFile = glob(PATH_STORAGE.'/'.$this->_collectionId.'/'.$entryId.'/'.$fieldData['identifier'].'-*'); if(!empty($uploadedFile)) { foreach ($uploadedFile as $f) { $ret = basename($f); break; } } } return $ret; } /** * Get the multiple upload files from storage location * lookup function for field type upload_multiple * * @param string $entryId Number * @param array $fieldData * @return array */ private function _loadFieldValue_upload_multiple(string $entryId, array $fieldData): array { $ret = array(); if(!empty($entryId) && !empty($fieldData) && !empty($this->_collectionId)) { $uploadedFile = glob(PATH_STORAGE.'/'.$this->_collectionId.'/'.$entryId.'/'.$fieldData['identifier'].'-*'); if(!empty($uploadedFile)) { foreach ($uploadedFile as $f) { $ret[] = basename($f); } } } return $ret; } /** * Load and prepare the value for a selection field * * @param string $data * @return array */ private function _loadFieldSelection_selection(string $data): array { $ret = array(); if(is_string($data)) { if(strstr($data, ',')) { $ret = explode(',',$data); } else { $ret[] = $data; } } return $ret; } /** * set some defaults by init of the class * * @return void */ private function _setDefaults(): void { // default query options $options['limit'] = 5; $options['offset'] = false; $options['sort'] = false; $options['sortDirection'] = false; $this->setQueryOptions($options); } }