; Bibliotheca ; ; Copyright 2018-2024 Johannes Keßler ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0. ; ; Format: key = "value", which is the default ini format ; Special logic is added to make key = key work. Use it to provide a unique key but with a already existing value. ; The value is the keyname without any quotes. ; Use this to create unique translations without changing the template global.add = "Add" global.ascending = "Ascending" global.clear = "Clear" global.clickremove = "Click to remove" global.close = "Close" global.collection = "Collection" global.collection.select.notice = "Please select a collection first" global.collections = "Collections" global.created = "Created" global.default = "Default" global.delete = "Delete" global.descending = "Descending" global.description = "Description" global.edit = "Edit" global.field.writeenter = "Write and press enter." global.fields = "Fields" global.group = "Group" global.image = "Image" global.latest = "Latest" global.login = "Login" global.message.couldNotBeSaved = "Data could not be saved. See logs for more." global.message.couldNotLoadCollection = "Can not load given collection." global.message.dataSaved = "Data saved successfully" global.message.invalidSearchTerm = "Invalid search term" global.message.missingQueryParams = "Missing required query parameters." global.message.nothingFound = "Nothing found." global.message.somethingWentWrong = "Something went wrong. See logs for more details." global.name = "Name" global.none = "None" global.other = "Other" global.owner = "Owner" global.ownership = "Ownership" global.password = "Password" global.pleaseselect = "Please select" global.replace = "Replace" global.rights = "Rights" global.save = "Save" global.search = "Search" global.search.resultfor = "Display result for: %s" global.sort = "Sort" global.tags = "Tags" global.title = "Title" global.user = "User" global.username = "Username" global.view = "View" global.writeenter = "Input and press enter to add" advsearch.explain.fields = "Available fields in %s are:" advsearch.headline.syntax = "Syntax" advsearch.help.1 = "To search within the collection default search field, like the ordinary search, just type the search term and go." advsearch.help.2 = "To search within the possible fields of a collection type the field identifier followed by : and then a space. Not every search operator does make sense with tag search fields. If the search is within a field witch is not configured to be displayed in the table view, it will be added." advsearch.input.description = "This uses the table view as default. Remember to select the fields to show in collection config." advsearch.input.search.label = "Search for" advsearch.input.search.placeholder = "See search syntax for options" advsearch.input.tableview.label = "Table view" advsearch.message.wrongInputFormat = "Wrong input format." advsearch.operators = "Possible search operators:" advsearch.operators.asterisk = "The asterisk serves as the truncation (or wildcard) operator. Unlike the other operators, it is appended to the word to be affected. Words match if they begin with the word preceding the * operator." advsearch.operators.greater = "The greater operator is used to change a word's contribution to the relevance value that is assigned to a row. The > operator increases the contribution and the < operator decreases it." advsearch.operators.less = "The less operator is used to change a word's contribution to the relevance value that is assigned to a row. The > operator increases the contribution and the < operator decreases it." advsearch.operators.minus = "A leading minus sign indicates that this word must not be present in any of the rows that are returned." advsearch.operators.plus = "A leading plus sign indicates that this word must be present in each row that is returned." advsearch.operators.quote = 'A phrase that is enclosed within double quote (") characters matches only rows that contain the phrase literally, as it was typed.' advsearch.result = "Display result for: %s
(Max. result of 60)" advsearch.submit.bulkedit = "Bulkedit these results" advsearch.tableview.description = "Make sure to define the fields which will be used in table view in collection config" advsearch.togglesearch = "Toggle search" auth.logout = "Logout" auth.message.invalidInput = "Invalid username or password." auth.message.missingInput = "Please provide valid e-Mail and password." bulkedit.headline.edit = "Bulkedit these entries in:" bulkedit.message.canNotUpdate = "Entry could not be updated. See log for more details:" bulkedit.message.entryUpdated = "Entry updated:" bulkedit.message.missingItems = "Missing required search items to work with." managecol.addmodify = "Add or modify a collection" managecol.addremfield = "Add or remove a field" managecol.availablefields = "Available fields" managecol.availcol = "Available collections" managecol.configuredfields = "Configured fields" managecol.defaultfieldvaluenote = "Any default field or any option which needs a field, get its values after the fields are configured." managecol.globalsearchhowto = "The field is used in the global search. Altering the default search field results in a DB reindex.
This could take some time, depending on the amount of data.
As of version 1.6, the field 'Combined Search' provides a much better default search base.
Select the field and save. Use the option below to create or update the search data for every entry in this collection." managecol.howto = "Just use drag and drop below to add, remove or order your fields.
Removing a field will remove the stored data from the collection.
Make sure at least the title, cover image and description fields are available." managecol.input.advancedtablesearchfields = "Advanced search table fields" managecol.input.advancedtablesearchfields.howto = "Make sure that the default global search field is in this list. This does not limit the fields to search in." managecol.input.combinedsearch = "Update Combined Search field data" managecol.input.combinedsearch.howto = "This could take some time to complete, depending on the amount of data.
Please do this after you remove fields(text) from your collection." managecol.input.defaultsearchfield = "Default global search field" managecol.input.defaultsort = "Default sort field" managecol.input.defaultsortorder = "Default sort order" managecol.input.delete = reuse.global.delete managecol.input.delete.howto = "Warning: This will delete ALL the data in this collection!" managecol.input.description = reuse.global.description managecol.input.name = reuse.global.name managecol.input.name.placeholder = "Unique name. No special chars." managecol.input.overwriterights = "Overwrite existing rights" managecol.input.overwriterights.howto = "Warning: This will overwrite existing entry rights (user, group, rights) with the ones from the collection!" managecol.input.tools = "Tools" managecol.managecol = "Manage your collections" managecol.managefields = "Manage your fields for:" managecol.message.couldNotBeDelete = "Collection could not be deleted." managecol.message.couldNotBeUpdated = "Collection could not be updated." managecol.message.missingRights = "Provide name, owner, group and valid rights." managecol.message.notBeCreated = "Collection could not be created." manageentry.addentry = "Add an entry to collection:" manageentry.addentrycollection = "Add an entry to your collection" manageentry.availabletools = "Available tools" manageentry.message.couldNotBeAdded = "Entry could not be added." manageentry.message.couldNotBeRemoved = "Entry could not be removed." manageentry.message.couldNotBeUpdated = "Entry could not be updated." manageentry.message.editNewEntry = "Edit entry" manageentry.message.missingTitle = "Provide at least 'Title'." manageentry.message.noTitle = "Entry has no value in title field." manageentry.message.viewNewEntry = "View entry" manageentry.possibleduplicate = "Possible duplicate" manageentry.select.bulkedit = "Select bulk edit option" manageentry.select.bulkedit.add = reuse.global.add manageentry.select.bulkedit.clear = reuse.global.clear manageentry.select.bulkedit.replace = reuse.global.replace manageentry.updateentry = "Update entry in collection:" manageentry.viewentry = "View entry" managefields.addorremove = "Add or remove a field" managefields.addorremove.description = "Just use drag and drop below to add, remove or order your fields.
Removing a field will remove the stored data from the collection.
Make sure at least the title, cover image and description fields are available." managefields.fieldsavailable = "Available fields" managefields.fieldsfor = "Manage your fields for:" managefields.message.notUpdate = "Fields could not be updated." managefields.message.provideValidFields = "Please provide valid fields." managegroups.addormodify = "Add or modify a group" managegroups.availablegroups = "Available groups" managegroups.groupmanagement = "Group management" managegroups.input.delete = reuse.global.delete managegroups.input.delete.howto = "Warning: Content owned by this group will not be deleted and thus only manageable by admin!
Right now don't do this. Only if you are sure there is no usage of this group." managegroups.input.description = reuse.global.description managegroups.input.name = reuse.global.name managegroups.input.save = reuse.global.save managegroups.message.couldNotBeCreated = "Group could not be created." managegroups.message.couldNotBeDelete = "Group could not be deleted." managegroups.message.couldNotBeUpdated = "Group could not be updated. Either wrong input or duplicate group name" managegroups.message.missingName = "Provide name and description." managetags.delete = reuse.global.delete managetags.howto = "The actions are top down. If you choose to move and rename, only move will be executed.
Deletion will remove without recover!
If you rename and input an existing one a move will be done instead.
Tag values are stored how they come and treated that way here (case sensitive). In search they are case insensitive." managetags.managetagsin = "Manage Tags in:" managetags.message.executionError = "Can not execute given options. See logs for more." managetags.message.notTagsAvailable = "No tags available or something went wrong." managetags.moveorrename = "Move to (rename to existig)" managetags.rename = "Rename" managetags.save = reuse.global.save managetags.tagfield = "Tagfield" managetags.use = "Use" manageuser.addormodify = "Add or modify a user" manageuser.availableusers = "Available users" manageuser.created = reuse.global.created manageuser.groups = "Group(s)" manageuser.input.addgroups = "Additional groups" manageuser.input.apitoken = "Create API Token" manageuser.input.apitoken.current = "Current Token:" manageuser.input.apitoken.valid = "Valid until:" manageuser.input.canloging = "Can login" manageuser.input.delete = reuse.global.delete manageuser.input.delete.howto = "Warning: Content owned by this user will not be deleted and thus only manageable by admin!
Better disable the user if there is content." manageuser.input.maingroup = "Main group" manageuser.message.couldNotBeCreated = "User could not be created." manageuser.message.couldNotBeDelete = "User could not be deleted. Make sure the user is not used anymore." manageuser.message.couldNotBeUpdated = "User could not be updated. Either wrong input or duplicate user name" manageuser.message.missingInput = "Provide username, login and a valid user group." manageuser.status = "Status" manageuser.usermanagement = "User management" message.headline.error = "Error" message.headline.information = "Information" message.headline.success = "Success" message.headline.warning = "Warning" menu.manage = "Manage" menu.manage.add = reuse.global.add menu.manage.collections = reuse.global.collections menu.manage.groups = "Groups" menu.manage.profile = "Profile" menu.manage.tags = reuse.global.tags menu.manage.users = "Users" menu.search = reuse.global.search menu.search.advanced = "Advanced" menu.search.enter = "Press enter to search" menu.search.within = "Search within the default search field" menu.show = "Show" menu.show.collections = reuse.global.collections menu.show.dashboard = "Dashboard" menu.show.sysinfo = "System Information" menu.show.tags = reuse.global.tags pagination.gotopage = "Goto page" pagination.next = "next" pagination.previous = "previous" pagination.select.sort.default = "Default" pagination.select.sort.latest = "Latest" profile.input.addgroups = "Additional groups" profile.input.apitoken.current = reuse.manageuser.input.apitoken.current profile.input.apitoken.valid = reuse.manageuser.input.apitoken.valid profile.input.createtoken = "Create API Token" profile.input.maingroup = "Main group" profile.message.couldNotBeUpdated = "Your profile could not be updated." profile.yourprofile = "Manage your profile" sysinfo.headline.sysinfo = "System information" sysinfo.th.collection = "Collection" sysinfo.th.created = reuse.global.created sysinfo.th.dbusage = "DB Usage" sysinfo.th.description = reuse.global.description sysinfo.th.diskusage = "Disk Usage" sysinfo.th.entries = "Entries" sysinfo.th.tags = reuse.global.tags sysfield.actors = "Actors" sysfield.artist = "Artist" sysfield.artists = "Artists" sysfield.attachment = "Attachment" sysfield.category = "Category" sysfield.content = "Main Content" sysfield.countries = "Countries" sysfield.coverimage = "Cover image" sysfield.created = "Created" sysfield.description = "Description" sysfield.developer = "Developer" sysfield.directors = "Directors" sysfield.gameEngine = "Game engine" sysfield.genres = "Genres" sysfield.imdbrating = "IMDB rating" sysfield.isbn = "ISBN" sysfield.languages = "Languages" sysfield.localizedTitle = "Localized title" sysfield.missingtemplate = "Missing template for:" sysfield.modified = "Modified" sysfield.os = "Operating system and version" sysfield.platform = "Platform" sysfield.publisher = "Publisher" sysfield.rating = "Rating" sysfield.runtime = "Runtime (min)" sysfield.storage = "Storage" sysfield.sysReq = "System Requirements" sysfield.tag = "Tag" sysfield.title = "Title" sysfield.view = "View" sysfield.viewcount = "View counter" sysfield.writers = "Writers" sysfield.year = "Year" tags.headline.tagsfor = "Tags for:" tool.gameinfo = "This is a collection of websites which provide different kind of information about games." tool.googlebooks.save = reuse.global.save tool.googlebooks.search = reuse.global.search tool.googlebooks.searchIsbn = "Search ISBN" tool.googlebooks.select = reuse.global.none tool.headline.using = "Using %s with collection: %s" tool.imdb.save = reuse.global.save tool.imdb.search = reuse.global.search tool.imdb.select.none = reuse.global.none tool.limitations = "Limitations" tool.limitations.override = "Data will be overwritten" tool.message.missingFiles = "Required tool files can not be found." tool.music.input.albumTitle = "Album/Title" tool.music.input.artist = "Artist" tool.music.limitations.override = "Data will be overwritten; No wildcardsearch or partial words." tool.music.save = reuse.global.save tool.music.search = reuse.global.search tool.music.select = "Select" tool.music.select.none = reuse.global.none