# Copy the following directories and files to your installation folder matching the correct path. ``` webclient/view/default/tool/tool-googlebooks.html webclient/view/default/tool/tool-googlebooks.php webclient/lib/googlebookparser.class.php webclient/config/config-googlebooks.php.default -> also copy and rename to config-googlebooks.php ``` # DB changes. Run each line against your bibliotheca DB. Replace #REPLACEME# with your table prefix. Default is bib ``` INSERT INTO `#REPLACEME#_tool` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `action`, `target`, `owner`, `group`, `rights`) VALUES (NULL, 'Google Books', 'Book infos from Google', 'googlebooks', '_self', '1', '1', 'rw-r--r--'); UPDATE `#REPLACEME#_sys_fields` SET `createstring` = '`isbn` varchar(32) NULL, ADD INDEX (`isbn`)', `apiinfo` = 'varchar 32' WHERE `#REPLACEME#_sys_fields`.`identifier` = 'isbn'; UPDATE `#REPLACEME#_sys_fields` SET `type` = 'text', `searchtype` = 'entrySingleText' WHERE `#REPLACEME#_sys_fields`.`identifier` = 'isbn'; ``` # if you use the field ISBN already run this and change the collection id ``` ALTER TABLE `#REPLACEME#_collection_entry_#CHANGE_ID#` CHANGE `isbn` `isbn` VARCHAR(32) NULL DEFAULT NULL; ``` # New Theme: 98. Theme based on https://jdan.github.io/98.css/ To use it, change UI_THEME in config.php to 98