# IMDB web parser tool It provides easy searching for a movie entry within https://www.imdb.com. Creating a new one with the selected fields or updating an existing one. It uses: https://github.com/FabianBeiner/PHP-IMDB-Grabber with some modifications You can search for words or the exact imdb id, which is in tt* format of an entry url. It searches for movies only. Which fields are available for you to select, are configured in the config.imdbweb.php file to make it easier since not every field the tool provides are needed. Follow the comments in the file for more details. An option to make the target fields automatically selected by default to given values is also available in the config file. # Setup Rename the `config-imdbweb.php.default` to `config-imdbweb.php` in the config folder. Follow the comments to update the settings. Add the tool to your collection.