# Bibliotheca More information and official release visit: https://www.bananas-playground.net/projekt/bibliotheca # Usage Self hosted collection management for movies, music or games. Install it on your own webserver (see requirements) and store the information about your collected stuff. Accessible and usable with a browser. Runs also off a Raspberry Pi. Tag and category support. Fulltext search and individual fields per collection. See first-steps.txt for first usage steps. # Requirements See documentation/requirements.txt # Technical information This is build and tested on a linux based OS. Windows support not yet, but it could work. # Contribute Want to contribute or found a problem? See Contributing document: CONTRIBUTING.md # Uses + https://github.com/FabianBeiner/PHP-IMDB-Grabber with some modifications + https://getuikit.com/ + https://jdan.github.io/98.css/ + https://sortablejs.github.io/Sortable/