# Unpack Unpack the archive in a temp folder. Follow the steps. After you can delete the unpacked files # DB Setup Create a DB and choose a prefix (A _ is added automatically as separation) for your tables. Open the provided sql file. Search for `#REPLACEME#` and replace it with your table prefix. Save. Import this file into you newly created DB. It is a mysql dump import file. Works with phpmyadmin too. # Config Copy `webclient/config/config.php.default` to `webclient/config/config.php`. Edit and fill in the DB details. Change `PATH_ABSOLUTE` to you installation path and `PATH_WEB_STORAGE` relative to your webroot. # Move files Move the content of webclient folder to your webspace. Make sure the location matches the `PATH_ABSOLUTE` config in `config.php` file # File rights Make sure that `systemout` folder is read/write accessible with your webserver user. Recursive. Make sure that `storage` folder is read/write accessible with your webserver user. Recursive. # Access Open your browser and visit your newly created bibliotheca installation. Default user `admin` and password: `test` # First steps Login with default admin account and change the password! Create your own user. Create your first collection. See more in first-steps.md