AutoCommit=>0, # manually use transactions
mysql_enable_utf8mb4 => 1
+# mysql_auto_reconnect
my $dbDsn = "DBI:mysql:database=".$config->get("DB_NAME").";host=".$config->get("DB_HOST").";port=".$config->get("DB_PORT");
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dbDsn,$config->get("DB_USER"),$config->get("DB_PASS"), \%dbAttr);
die "Failed to connect to MySQL database:DBI->errstr()" unless($dbh);
sub updateFetched {
my ($dbh, @urls) = @_;
+ if (!$dbh->ping) {
+ $dbh = $dbh->clone() or die "Cannot connect to db at updateFetched";
+ }
sayYellow "Update fetch timestamps: ".scalar @urls;
$query = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE `url_to_fetch` SET `last_fetched` = NOW() WHERE `id` = ?");
foreach my $idToUpdate (@urls) {
sub updateFailed {
my ($dbh, @urls) = @_;
+ if (!$dbh->ping) {
+ $dbh = $dbh->clone() or die "Cannot connect to db at updateFailed";
+ }
sayYellow "Update fetch failed: ".scalar @urls;
$query = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE `url_to_fetch` SET `fetch_failed` = 1, `last_fetched` = NOW() WHERE `id` = ?");
foreach my $idToUpdate (@urls) {