+ Moved debug setting into config
+ Updated shellcommand class and added the link to the github repo
+ + Fixed/Updated the creation of the webpage thumbnail using google pagespeed insights api
+ + Fixed search index update
+ + Fixed missing lang property
version 2.8 - Wastelands (2022-12-10)
stats.image.storage.diskspace = "Diskspace used"
stats.image.delete.all = "Delete all"
stats.full.backup = "Full DB backup"
-stats.full.backup.full = "Create a complete DB export from your data."
+stats.full.backup.help = "Create a complete DB export from your data."
stats.full.backup.create = "Create backup"
stats.search.index = "Search index"
stats.search.index.help = "Update search index"
stats.image.storage.diskspace = "Verbrauchte Datenmenge"
stats.image.delete.all = "Alle löschen"
stats.full.backup = "Kompletter DB Backup"
-stats.full.backup.full = "Erstelle einen kompletten DB Export deiner Daten."
+stats.full.backup.help = "Erstelle einen kompletten DB Export deiner Daten."
stats.full.backup.create = "Backup erstellen"
stats.search.index = "Suchindex"
stats.search.index.help = "Suchindex aktualisieren"
- FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "_link`
+ FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_link`
WHERE `hash` = '" . $this->DB->real_escape_string($hash) . "'";
$query = $this->DB->query($queryStr);
if (!empty($query) && $query->num_rows == 1) {
if (!empty($hash)) {
$queryStr = "SELECT `id`,`link`,`description`,`title`,`image`,`hash`, `created`
- FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "_link`
+ FROM `".DB_PREFIX."_link`
WHERE `hash` = '" . $this->DB->real_escape_string($hash) . "'";
$query = $this->DB->query($queryStr);
$searchStr .= ' '.implode(' ',$l['tags']);
$searchStr .= ' '.implode(' ',$l['categories']);
$searchStr .= ' '.$_t['host'];
- $searchStr .= ' '.implode(' ',explode('/',$_t['path']));
+ if(isset($_t['path'])) {
+ $searchStr .= ' '.implode(' ',explode('/',$_t['path']));
+ }
$searchStr = trim($searchStr);
$searchStr = strtolower($searchStr);
- unset($LinkObj,$l,$searchStr,$t,$c,$queryStr);
+ unset($LinkObj,$l,$searchStr,$_t,$queryStr);
$ret = true;