; The value is the keyname without any quotes.
; Use this to create unique translations without changing the template
-auth.logout = "Logout"
+global.add = "Add"
+global.ascending = "Ascending"
+global.clear = "Clear"
+global.clickremove = "Click to remove"
+global.close = "Close"
+global.collection = "Collection"
+global.collection.select.notice = "Please select a collection first"
+global.created = "Created"
+global.default = "Default"
+global.delete = "Delete"
+global.descending = "Descending"
+global.description = "Description"
+global.displayresultfor = "Display result for: <b>%s</b>"
+global.edit = "Edit"
+global.field.writeenter = "Write and press enter."
+global.fields = "Fields"
+global.group = "Group"
+global.image = "Image"
+global.latest = "Latest"
+global.login = "Login"
+global.name = "Name"
+global.none = "None"
+global.other = "Other"
+global.owner = "Owner"
+global.password = "Password"
+global.pleaseselect = "Please select"
+global.replace = "Replace"
+global.rights = "Rights"
+global.save = "Save"
+global.search = "Search"
+global.search.resultfor = "Display result for: <b>%s</b>"
+global.sort = "Sort"
+global.title = "Title"
+global.user = "User"
+global.username = "Username"
+global.view = "View"
+global.ownership = "Ownership"
+global.none = "None"
advsearch.explain.fields = "Available fields in <b>%s</b> are:"
advsearch.headline.syntax = "Syntax"
advsearch.tableview.description = "Make sure to define the fields which will be used in table view in collection config"
advsearch.togglesearch = "Toggle search"
+auth.logout = "Logout"
bulkedit.headline.edit = "Bulkedit these entries in:"
managecol.addmodify = "Add or modify a collection"
profile.input.apitoken.valid = manageuser.input.apitoken.valid
profile.input.apitoken.current = manageuser.input.apitoken.current
-global.add = "Add"
-global.ascending = "Ascending"
-global.clear = "Clear"
-global.clickremove = "Click to remove"
-global.close = "Close"
-global.collection = "Collection"
-global.collection.select.notice = "Please select a collection first"
-global.created = "Created"
-global.default = "Default"
-global.delete = "Delete"
-global.descending = "Descending"
-global.description = "Description"
-global.displayresultfor = "Display result for: <b>%s</b>"
-global.edit = "Edit"
-global.field.writeenter = "Write and press enter."
-global.fields = "Fields"
-global.group = "Group"
-global.image = "Image"
-global.latest = "Latest"
-global.login = "Login"
-global.name = "Name"
-global.none = "None"
-global.other = "Other"
-global.owner = "Owner"
-global.password = "Password"
-global.pleaseselect = "Please select"
-global.replace = "Replace"
-global.rights = "Rights"
-global.save = "Save"
-global.search = "Search"
-global.search.resultfor = "Display result for: <b>%s</b>"
-global.sort = "Sort"
-global.title = "Title"
-global.user = "User"
-global.username = "Username"
-global.view = "View"
-global.ownership = "Ownership"
-global.none = "None"
+sysinfo.headline.sysinfo = "System information"
+sysinfo.th.collection = "Collection"
+sysinfo.th.description = global.description
+sysinfo.th.created = global.created
+sysinfo.th.entries = "Entries"
+sysinfo.th.tags = "Tags"
+sysinfo.th.dbusage = "DB Usage"
pagination.gotopage = "Goto page"
pagination.next = "next"
-<h3 class="uk-h3">System information</h3>
+<h3 class="uk-h3"><?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.headline.sysinfo'); ?></h3>
<div class="uk-grid-small uk-grid-row-small" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-width-1-2">
<div class="uk-grid-divider uk-child-width-expand@s" uk-grid>
<?php echo $v['description']; ?>
- Created: <code><?php echo $v['created']; ?></code></code><br />
- Entries: <code><?php echo $v['stats']['entriesCount']; ?></code><br />
- Tags: <code><?php echo $v['stats']['tagsCount']; ?></code><br />
- DB Usage: <code><?php echo $v['stats']['tableSize']; ?></code><br />
- Disk Usage: <code><?php echo $v['stats']['storageSize']; ?></code>
+ <?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.th.created'); ?> <code><?php echo $v['created']; ?></code></code><br />
+ <?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.th.entries'); ?> <code><?php echo $v['stats']['entriesCount']; ?></code><br />
+ <?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.th.tags'); ?> <code><?php echo $v['stats']['tagsCount']; ?></code><br />
+ <?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.th.dbusage'); ?> <code><?php echo $v['stats']['tableSize']; ?></code><br />
+ <?php echo $I18n->t('sysinfo.th.diskusage'); ?> <code><?php echo $v['stats']['storageSize']; ?></code>
<?php } ?>