-1.1 - Vortex Rikers ()
+1.1 - Vortex Rikers
* Cleanup and merge to one config file. Read upgrade
* Missing changelog file
* api has its own log file now.
-1.0 - Castle - (20210106)
+1.0 - Castle 20210106
* First usable version
* Using as a collection management software will work
* Rights management needs tweeking, so use the admin account for a start
* A Webserver (tested on Apache 2.4)
* PHP 7+ with mysqli, mbstring, curl
* MySQL 8+ / MariaDB 10.2
-* At least 20MB storage WITHOUT images
+* At least 20MB webserver storage WITHOUT images
+* At least 100MB DB storage.
Save. Import this file into you newly created DB.
3. Config
-Copy webclient/config/database.php.default to webclient/config/database.php
+Copy webclient/config/config.php.default to webclient/config/config.php
Edit and fill in the DB details.
-Copy webclient/config/path.php.default to webclient/config/path.php
-Edit the file. Minimum is to change PATH_ABSOLUTE to you installation path and
-PATH_WEB_STORAGE relative to your webroot.
-If you change the other settings you need to change the folders too.
-Copy webclient/config/system.php.default to webclient/config/system.php
-No need to change anything unless you know what and why.
+Change PATH_ABSOLUTE to you installation path and PATH_WEB_STORAGE relative to your webroot.
4. Move files
Move the content of webclient folder to your webspace. Make sure the location matches
-the PATH_ABSOLUTE config in path.php file
+the PATH_ABSOLUTE config in config.php file
5. File rights
Make sure that systemout folder is read/write accessible with your webserver user. Recursive.
-Each release has its own version file in the upgrade folder.
+Each release has its own file in the upgrade folder.
In this file there are the steps needed to make an upgrade.
If you upgrade multiple versions make sure to read all the files in the correct order.