"<a href=\"http://search.cpan.org/\">search CPAN</a> " .
"for the module or check the " .
"<a href=\"http://www.neuro-tech.net/insipid/\">" .
- "Insipid</a> homepage for more information.");
+ "Insipid</a> homepage for more information.",
+ $errstr);
} elsif (
($errstr =~ /Couldn\'t acquire lock on id/) ||
($errstr =~ /doesn\'t exist/) ||
($errstr =~ /relation \".*\" does not exist/) ) {
# This means that a database connection was established but the
# tables were not found.
+ undef($@);
eval {
require Insipid::Database;
my $sql = "select name, value from $tbl_options";\r
my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);\r
-$sth->execute() or die $DBI::errstr;\r
+$sth->execute() or return 1; #die $DBI::errstr;\r
while(my $hr = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {\r
$options{$hr->{'name'}} = $hr->{'value'};\r