## set the error reporting
if(DEBUG === true) {
if(DEBUG === true) var_dump($newdata);
- $DB->begin_transaction(MYSQLI_TRANS_START_READ_WRITE);
- $linkObj = new Link($DB);
- try {
- $linkID = $linkObj->create(array(
- 'hash' => $newdata['hash'],
- 'search' => $newdata['search'],
- 'link' => $newdata['link'],
- 'status' => $newdata['status'],
- 'description' => $newdata['description'],
- 'title' => $newdata['title'],
- 'image' => $newdata['image']
- ), true);
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
- $_m = "WARN Can not create new link into DB. Duplicate? ".$e->getMessage();
- error_log($_m);
- $emailData['importmessage'] = $_m;
- array_push($invalidProcessedEmails,$emailData);
- if(DEBUG === true) var_dump($_m);
- if(DEBUG === true) var_dump($newdata);
- continue;
- }
+ $DB->begin_transaction(MYSQLI_TRANS_START_READ_WRITE);
+ $linkObj = new Link($DB);
+ $linkID = false;
+ # check for duplicate
+ $existing = $linkObj->load($newdata['hash']);
+ if(!empty($existing) && isset($existing['id'])) {
+ $linkID = $existing['id'];
+ error_log('INFO Updating existing link with tag or category '.$newdata['link']);
+ }
+ else {
+ $linkObj = new Link($DB);
+ try {
+ $linkID = $linkObj->create(array(
+ 'hash' => $newdata['hash'],
+ 'search' => $newdata['search'],
+ 'link' => $newdata['link'],
+ 'status' => $newdata['status'],
+ 'description' => $newdata['description'],
+ 'title' => $newdata['title'],
+ 'image' => $newdata['image']
+ ), true);
+ } catch (Exception $e) {
+ $_m = "WARN Can not create new link into DB. Duplicate? " . $e->getMessage();
+ error_log($_m);
+ $emailData['importmessage'] = $_m;
+ array_push($invalidProcessedEmails, $emailData);
+ if (DEBUG === true) var_dump($_m);
+ if (DEBUG === true) var_dump($newdata);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
if(!empty($linkID)) {
- error_log("INFO Link successfully added: ".$newdata['link']);
+ error_log("INFO Link successfully added/updated: ".$newdata['link']);
else {