--- /dev/null
+ * boomark management
+ */
+ * display any error we have
+ */
+# load the config file
+# db connection
+$db_con = mysql_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASS) OR die('Can not connect to SQL server');
+$db_sel = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME,$db_con) OR die('Can not select database');
+# process the add
+if(isset($_POST['sub']['submitNew'])) {
+ $link = trim($_POST['new']['link']);
+ $title = trim($_POST['new']['title']);
+ $cat = trim($_POST['new']['category']);
+ if(!empty($link) && !empty($title) && !empty($cat)) {
+ $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `bookmarks`
+ SET `category` = '".mysql_escape_string($cat)."',
+ `title` = '".mysql_escape_string($title)."',
+ `link` = '".mysql_escape_string($link)."',
+ `date_added` = '".time()."'");
+ if($query !== false) {
+ header("Location: index.php");
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "not saved";
+ }
+ }
+elseif(isset($_POST['sub']['submitEdit']) && isset($_GET['edit']) && !empty($_GET['edit'])) {
+# process edit
+ $link = trim($_POST['new']['link']);
+ $title = trim($_POST['new']['title']);
+ $cat = trim($_POST['new']['category']);
+ if(!empty($link) && !empty($title) && !empty($cat)) {
+ $query = mysql_query("UPDATE `bookmarks`
+ SET `category` = '".mysql_escape_string($cat)."',
+ `title` = '".mysql_escape_string($title)."',
+ `link` = '".mysql_escape_string($link)."'
+ WHERE `id` = '".mysql_escape_string($_GET['edit'])."'");
+ if($query !== false) {
+ header("Location: index.php");
+ }
+ else {
+ echo "not saved";
+ }
+ }
+# get the bookmarks
+$bookmarks = array();
+$query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `bookmarks` ORDER BY `category`,`title`');
+if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
+ while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
+ $bookmarks[$result['id']] = $result;
+ }
+ <head>
+ <title>Bookmarks for myself</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ img {
+ border: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+ }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <?php if(isset($_GET['edit']) && !empty($_GET['edit'])) { ?>
+ <form method="post" action="">
+ Link:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[link]" size="60" value="<?php echo $bookmarks[$_GET['edit']]['link']; ?>" /><br />
+ Titel:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[title]" value="<?php echo $bookmarks[$_GET['edit']]['title']; ?>" size="60" /><br />
+ Kategorie:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[category]" value="<?php echo $bookmarks[$_GET['edit']]['category']; ?>" size="60" /><br />
+ <button type="submit" title="Speichern" name="sub[submitEdit]">Speichern</button>
+ </form>
+ <?php } else { ?>
+ <form method="post" action="">
+ Link:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[link]" size="60" value="" /><br />
+ Titel:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[title]" value="" size="60" /><br />
+ Kategorie:<br />
+ <input type="text" name="new[category]" value="" size="60" /><br />
+ <button type="submit" title="Speichern" name="sub[submitNew]">Speichern</button>
+ </form>
+ <?php
+ }
+ # display the bookmark
+ if(!empty($bookmarks)) {
+ $cat = false;
+ foreach($bookmarks as $entry) {
+ if($cat != $entry['category']) {
+ if(!empty($cat)) echo '</ul>';
+ echo '<h2>'.$entry['category'].'</h2>';
+ echo '<ul>';
+ $cat = $entry['category'];
+ }
+ echo '<li><a href="'.$entry['link'].'">'.$entry['title'].'</a> | <a href="index.php?edit='.$entry['id'].'" title="edit"><img src="edit.png" width="16" alt="edit" /></a></li>';
+ }
+ echo '</ul>';
+ }
+ </body>