; along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.
; Format: key = "value", which is the default ini format
-; Special logic is added to make key = key work. Use it to provide a uniqe key but with a already existing value.
+; Special logic is added to make key = key work. Use it to provide a unique key but with a already existing value.
; The value is the keyname without any quotes.
; Use this to create unique translations without changing the template
global.login = "Login"
global.name = "Name"
global.none = "None"
+global.none = "None"
global.other = "Other"
global.owner = "Owner"
+global.ownership = "Ownership"
global.password = "Password"
global.pleaseselect = "Please select"
global.replace = "Replace"
global.user = "User"
global.username = "Username"
global.view = "View"
-global.ownership = "Ownership"
-global.none = "None"
advsearch.explain.fields = "Available fields in <b>%s</b> are:"
advsearch.headline.syntax = "Syntax"
managecol.managecol = "Manage your collections"
managecol.managefields = "Manage your fields for:"
+manageentry.addentry = "Add an entry to:"
+manageentry.addentrycollection = "Add an entry to your collection"
+manageentry.availabletools = "Available tools"
+manageentry.missingtemplate = "Missing template for:"
+manageentry.possibleduplicate = "Possible duplicate"
manageentry.select.bulkedit = "Select bulk edit option"
manageentry.select.bulkedit.add = global.add
-manageentry.select.bulkedit.replace = global.replace
manageentry.select.bulkedit.clear = global.clear
-manageentry.missingtemplate = "Missing template for:"
+manageentry.select.bulkedit.replace = global.replace
manageentry.updateentry = "Update an entry in:"
manageentry.viewentry = "View entry"
-manageentry.possibleduplicate = "Possible duplicate"
-manageentry.addentry = "Add an entry to:"
-manageentry.availabletools = "Available tools"
-manageentry.addentrycollection = "Add an entry to your collection"
managefields.addorremove = "Add or remove a field"
managefields.addorremove.description = "Just use drag and drop below to add, remove or order your fields.<br />Removing a field will <b>remove</b> the stored data from the collection.<br />Make sure at least the <b>title</b>, <b>cover image</b> and <b>description</b> fields are available."
managegroups.input.delete.howto = "Warning: Content owned by this group will not be deleted and thus only manageable by admin!<br />Right now don't do this. Only if you are sure there is no usage of this group."
managegroups.availablegroups = "Available groups"
-managetags.managetagsin = "Manage Tags in:"
+managetags.delete = global.delete
managetags.howto = "The actions are top down. If you choose to move and rename, only move will be executed.<br />Deletion will remove without recover!<br />If you rename and input an existing one a move will be done instead.<br />Tag values are stored how they come and treated that way here (case sensitive). In search they are case insensitive."
-managetags.tagfield = "Tagfield"
-managetags.user = "Use"
+managetags.managetagsin = "Manage Tags in:"
managetags.moveorrename = "Move to (rename to existig)"
managetags.rename = "Rename"
-managetags.delete = global.delete
+managetags.tagfield = "Tagfield"
+managetags.user = "Use"
-manageuser.usermanagement = "User management"
manageuser.addormodify = "Add or modify a user"
-manageuser.input.maingroup = "Main group"
+manageuser.availableusers = "Available users"
+manageuser.created = global.created
+manageuser.groups = "Group(s)"
manageuser.input.addgroups = "Additional groups"
+manageuser.input.apitoken = "Create API Token"
+manageuser.input.apitoken.current = "Current Token:"
+manageuser.input.apitoken.valid = "Valid until:"
manageuser.input.canloging = "Can login"
manageuser.input.delete = global.delete
manageuser.input.delete.howto = "Warning: Content owned by this user will not be deleted and thus only manageable by admin!<br />Better disable the user if there is content."
-manageuser.input.apitoken = "Create API Token"
-manageuser.input.apitoken.valid = "Valid until:"
-manageuser.availableusers = "Available users"
-manageuser.groups = "Group(s)"
+manageuser.input.maingroup = "Main group"
manageuser.status = "Status"
-manageuser.created = global.created
-manageuser.input.apitoken.current = "Current Token:"
+manageuser.usermanagement = "User management"
-message.headline.information = "Information"
message.headline.error = "Error"
-message.headline.warning = "Warning"
+message.headline.information = "Information"
message.headline.success = "Success"
+message.headline.warning = "Warning"
-menu.lv1.show = "Show"
menu.lv1.manage = "Manage"
-menu.search.advanced = "Advanced"
+menu.lv1.show = "Show"
menu.search = global.search
+menu.search.advanced = "Advanced"
menu.search.enter = "Press enter to search"
menu.search.within = "Search within the default search field"
pagination.select.sort.default = "Default"
pagination.select.sort.latest = "Latest"
-profile.yourprofile = "Manage your profile"
-profile.input.maingroup = "Main group"
profile.input.addgroups = "Additional groups"
-profile.input.createtoken = "Create API Token"
-profile.input.apitoken.valid = manageuser.input.apitoken.valid
profile.input.apitoken.current = manageuser.input.apitoken.current
+profile.input.apitoken.valid = manageuser.input.apitoken.valid
+profile.input.createtoken = "Create API Token"
+profile.input.maingroup = "Main group"
+profile.yourprofile = "Manage your profile"
sysinfo.headline.sysinfo = "System information"
sysinfo.th.collection = "Collection"
-sysinfo.th.description = global.description
sysinfo.th.created = global.created
-sysinfo.th.entries = "Entries"
-sysinfo.th.tags = "Tags"
sysinfo.th.dbusage = "DB Usage"
+sysinfo.th.description = global.description
sysinfo.th.diskusage = "Disk Usage"
+sysinfo.th.entries = "Entries"
+sysinfo.th.tags = "Tags"
tags.headline.tagsfor = "Tags for:"