This is a heavily modified version of insipid createted by Luke Reeves.
This release was done by
Rename the insipid-config.cgi.example to insipid-config.cgi and edit it,
-replacing the example values with those that match your system.
+replacing the example values with those that match your system.
Create a user and password for the database if you don't have one assigned
to you by your adiministrator or ISP. Doing this is beyond the scope of this
readme file - refer to the server documentation for more help.
-Rename the htaccess file to .htaccess and add a "RewriteBase" clause to the
+Rename the htaccess file to .htaccess and add a "RewriteBase" clause to the
top, such as:
RewriteBase /~luke/
-You can optionally add "insipid.cgi" to the list of files in the
+You can optionally add "insipid.cgi" to the list of files in the
DirectoryIndex line (for example, "DirectoryIndex index.cgi insipid.cgi").
The non-standard Perl packages required for use (with their Debian package
XML::Writer libxml-writer-perl
Once the configuration is finished, access the insipid.cgi through your
-web browser at the URL you've configured and the database should be
+web browser at the URL you've configured and the database should be
automatically configured.
-If you ever upgrade Insipid, the database schema will be automatically
+If you ever upgrade Insipid, the database schema will be automatically
updated upon access.
+TODO / Feature list
- Optionally use LWP to automatically import Delicious marks
- Link checker
- Pageable snapshot list
-- An inbox of links that people submit, either through a public interface
+- An inbox of links that people submit, either through a public interface
or XML-RPC (Rest of course)
- A way to publish links to friends via their exposed RPC interface
-- Add a new column to the bookmark table for a "Via" field (which can be
+- Add a new column to the bookmark table for a "Via" field (which can be
filled in automatically when a mark is pushed and accepted)
- Add - (subtractive) filtering
- Share the iteration code between export and display
- More configurable options (e.g., max RSS entries, max tags displayed, etc)
- Order and categories of options